The Fauquier History Museum at the Old Jail

Historical Sites, Historical Societies, Museums, Historical Sites, Historical Societies, MuseumsWarrenton, VA

The Fauquier History Museum at the Old Jail (formally known as The Old Jail Museum) is located in the old Fauquier County prison complex. It was erected in 1808 as the 6th jail in Warrenton.

After 15 years of operation poor conditions forced the county to build a new jail, directly behind it. In 1823 the new jail was opened, but not before they added an addition to the 1808 building and upgraded it into the jailer's home.

In 1966, the complex was closed and taken over by the Fauquier Historical Society to be preserved as a history museum.

The Fauquier History Museum at the Old Jail

10 Ashby Street
Warrenton, VA

Fauquier County, VA